yawning baby

Sleep In or Wake Up? Baby Morning Routine

What time should baby wake up in the morning?

There is no specific time that a baby should wake up in the morning, as each baby’s sleep patterns and needs are unique. However, most babies wake up between 6 a.m. and 8 a.m. Observing your baby’s individual sleep patterns and responding to their needs is essential.

Newborns and infants typically sleep for 14 to 17 hours daily, with sleep periods broken up throughout the day and night. As babies grow older, their sleep needs decrease, and they begin to consolidate sleep into longer periods during the night.

Should I wake up my baby in the morning?

yawning baby in morning

Generally, if your baby is getting enough sleep and is waking up on their own at a reasonable time, it may not be necessary to wake them up in the morning.

However, if your baby is not getting enough sleep or is waking up too late in the morning, you may need to adjust their sleep schedule and wake them up at a certain time. This is especially important if your daily schedule requires you to have your baby awake and ready at a certain time.

If you need to wake your baby up in the morning, it’s important to do so gently and gradually. You can try opening the curtains to let in natural light, speaking softly to your baby, or gently rubbing their back to help them wake up more naturally.

How long should I let my baby sleep before waking up?

The time you should let your baby sleep before waking them up depends on their age, overall sleep needs, and the reason for waking them up.

For newborns and young infants, it’s generally not necessary to wake them up to feed unless your healthcare provider recommends it due to weight gain concerns or other medical reasons. Newborns typically sleep 14 to 17 hours daily, waking up every few hours to feed.

For older babies, it may be necessary to wake them up for feeding or to establish a regular sleep routine. Generally, it’s not recommended to let a baby sleep longer than 5 hours at a stretch without feeding during the first few months of life.

If you need to wake your baby up for a feeding, it’s recommended to wait until they have completed at least 2-3 hours of uninterrupted sleep. This can help ensure that they are getting enough sleep while also ensuring that they are getting the necessary nutrition.

Is it OK for baby to sleep until 8am?

It’s generally okay for a baby to sleep until 8 am as long as they get enough total sleep for their age and developmental needs. The appropriate amount of sleep for a baby depends on their age, with younger babies needing more sleep than older ones.

For infants aged 3-6 months, it is recommended that they get around 14-15 hours of sleep per day, with most of that sleep happening at night. Babies in this age group may wake up as early as 6:00 am or as late as 8:00 am.

For infants aged 6-12 months, it is recommended that they get around 12-14 hours of sleep per day, with most of that sleep happening at night. Babies in this age group may wake up as early as 5:00 am or as late as 7:00 am.

Should I feed my baby as soon as he wakes up in the morning?

It is generally a good idea to feed your baby when they show signs of hunger, including waking up from sleep.

Here are some general tips:

Pay attention to your baby’s hunger cues: Look for signs that your baby is hungry, such as increased alertness, sucking on their fingers or fists, or turning their head toward your hand when you stroke their cheek. Crying is a late sign of hunger, so try to feed your baby before they reach this point.

Feed on demand: It’s generally recommended to feed your baby whenever they’re hungry rather than adhering to a strict schedule. This approach, known as “feeding on demand” or “responsive feeding,” can help ensure your baby gets the nutrition they need for healthy growth and development.

How do you reset an overtired baby?

When a baby is overtired, getting them to settle down and sleep can be challenging. However, there are several things you can do to help reset an overtired baby. Here are some tips:

  1. Create a calm and soothing environment: Turn down the lights and minimize noise to create a peaceful atmosphere.
  2. Try eye pillows
  3. Try swaddling: Swaddling can help create a cozy and secure feeling for babies, which can help them feel more relaxed and comfortable.
  4. Use white noise: White noise can be a helpful tool to help babies fall asleep. Try using a white noise machine or playing soothing sounds like ocean waves or rainfall.
  5. Offer a pacifier: Some babies find comfort in sucking on a pacifier, which can help them relax and fall asleep.
  6. Offer a feeding: Sometimes, an overtired baby may need feeding to help them settle down and fall asleep.
  7. Rock or bounce: Gently rocking or bouncing the baby can help them feel calmer and more relaxed.
  8. Take a walk: Going gently with the baby in a stroller or carrier can help them relax and fall asleep.

What is the Ferber middle of the night waking?

The Ferber method, also known as “graduated extinction,” is a sleep training method for babies that involves gradually teaching them to fall asleep independently and self-soothe without needing their caregiver to intervene.

Regarding middle-of-the-night waking, the Ferber method recommends waiting for a set amount of time before intervening if a baby wakes up and starts crying. The goal is to give the baby a chance to try to fall back asleep on their own.

The amount of time to wait before intervening gradually increases over several nights. For example, a caregiver may wait 3-5 minutes on the first night before intervening. On the second night, they may wait for 5-10 minutes, and so on.

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Generally, waking a 2-month-old baby in the morning is unnecessary. At this age, most babies will wake up naturally when they are hungry or need a diaper change.

Why do babies wake up at 5 am?

Babies may wake up early in the morning for various reasons, and it is not uncommon for them to wake up around 5 am. Some possible reasons include:

  1. Sleep cycles: Babies have shorter sleep cycles than adults and spend more time in lighter stages of sleep. This makes them more susceptible to waking up from noises or other disturbances.
  2. Hunger: Babies have small stomachs and may need to be fed more frequently, even during the night or early morning. They may wake up early due to hunger and need to be fed.
  3. Light exposure: Babies can be sensitive to changes in light, and the early morning light can signal to their bodies that it’s time to wake up.
  4. Sleep associations: If a baby is used to falling asleep with the help of a certain routine, such as rocking or nursing, they might wake up and need the same routine to go back to sleep.
  5. Developmental milestones: Their sleep patterns can change as babies grow and develop. They might wake up early because they learn new skills, such as rolling over, crawling, or standing up.
  6. Sleep regression: Some babies experience sleep regressions, temporarily disrupting their regular sleep patterns. These can be triggered by factors such as developmental milestones or changes in routine.


  • Didem Cetinkaya

    Didem Cetinkaya is a professional educator and a new mother with extensive expertise in elementary school teaching and a master's degree in children's literature. Additionally, she has pursued academic studies in several fields, such as child development, preschool education, and bilingual education, contributing to her deep understanding of these areas.

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